Child Life Services & Support Back to School - 504 Plans / Partnering with Your Child's Teacher DATE: Thursday, September 12, 2019 GUEST SPEAKERS: Henry DeArcia, BS, CCLA Child Life Specialist UNC Health Care Lynne McGibbon, LCSW CF Social Worker UNC Health Care
TOPIC: CF Center Mental Health Updates - Care for the Caregivers Being a caregiver to an individual with chronic health needs can require time for re-energizing, reflection, and respite, among other things. Caregivers do not always have the luxury to give themselves the self-care they need. It is still important! Listen to Dr. Cupito discuss changes that are coming to all CF centers in an attempt to provide caregivers with connections for support. DATE: Thursday, May 30, 2019 GUEST SPEAKER: Alexandra Cupito, PD Recording of workshop available: TOPIC: Growing up with a sibling who has CF DATE: Thursday, March 7, 2019 GUEST SPEAKERS: A small panel of young adults who have a sibling with CF Recording of this workshop available: Topic: The importance of staying active throughout childhood, the teen years, and beyond. Also, the value of eating healthy high fats. Date: Thursday, January 10, 2019 Guest Speakers: Brooke Guthrie 20 year old, junior at High Point University Part-time Physical Therapy Technician, Personal Trainer at HPU Also happens to have CF Rebecca Byrd, PT, DPT, CCS Duke University Health System Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Recording of workshop available: TOPIC:
CF Foundation: COMPASS A personalized service to help you with the insurance, financial, legal, and other issues you are facing. It's free, confidential and available to everyone. LEARN MORE: DATE: Thursday, September 6, 2018 GUEST SPEAKERS: Azi Kaider CFF Compass Assistant Director, Policy and Advocacy Aaron Stokes Case Manager (Adult with CF) CFF Compass TOPIC:
CF Pharmacy Assistance Programs & Resources Medication Action Plans: Improving Adherence and Encouraging Medication Independence DATE: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 GUEST SPEAKERS: Cameron J. McKinzie, PharmD UNC Chapel Hill Tara Bell, PharmD Duke Clinical Pharmacist Practitioners, Pediatric Pulmonology TOPIC:
CF Nutrition from A to Zinc DATE: Monday, April 23, 2018 GUEST SPEAKERS: Kimberly Stephenson, MS, RD, CSP UNC Pediatric Dietitian Kelly Baumberger, RD, CSP UNC Pediatric Dietitian Vanessa Yount, RD, LDN Duke Pediatric Dietitian Rebecca Gregory, MS, RD, LDN Duke Adult Dietitian EVENT RESOURCES: TOPIC: Motivational Interviewing Parent Tips 101: Motivating kids with CF to take on more responsibility with their care as they get older can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Motivational interviewing is a style of communication that has been shown to facilitate behavior change and improve medication adherence in a supportive and empathic manner. DATE: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 GUEST SPEAKER: Nadia Islam, PhD, Psychology Fellow at UNC Audio recording of this workshop is available below: TOPIC:
Research Highlights from the 2018 North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference DATE: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 GUEST SPEAKER: Scott H. Donaldson, MD, Director, UNC Adult CF Center *Recording of this workshop is not available TOPIC:
Respiratory Tips (nebulizer cleaning tips, questions regarding airway clearance devices, Vests, etc.) DATE: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 GUEST SPEAKERS: Delly Garcia, Respiratory Therapist Ronnie Reynolds, Respiratory Therapist *Recording of workshop not available |
February 2025